TNS (self-employed workers), start taking out your insurance right away!
As a self-employed person, it's up to you to make sure you're properly insured. Let MIA Assurances be your guide!
As a self-employed person, it's up to you to make sure you're properly insured. Let MIA Assurances be your guide!
If you have chosen to work as a self-employed person, you will be aware that you must choose and take out your own health and provident insurance policies. Unlike employees of very small businesses, whose employers are obliged to provide cover, self-employed workers have to do this themselves.
Since the disappearance of the RSI in 2017, self-employed workers have been covered by the general Social Security scheme. As reimbursements from the basic scheme are insufficient, it is important to supplement your reimbursements with a health mutual insurance contract.
There are more and more products on the market for self-employed workers. While it’s not easy to sort through all these offers, we recommend that you refine your search by :
MIA Assurances will take into account your status as a non-salaried worker (Travailleur Non Salarié – TNS) and present you with a policy that falls within the advantageous tax framework of the Madelin Law, allowing you to deduct contributions from your net taxable income. A Madelin policy offers significant financial benefits!
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